About Jason
Jason Feifer is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine, a podcast host, book author, keynote speaker, startup advisor, and nonstop optimism machine. His goal is to help you become more resilient and adaptable in a world of constant change — so you can seize new opportunity before anyone else does!
More About Jason
Jason is here because of Opportunity Set B.
What’s that? It’s from his theory about work and the power of change, and it goes like this. In front of you right now, there are two sets of opportunities:
Opportunity Set A is all the things being asked of you at your job. It’s the stuff you’re being measured by.
Opportunity Set B is all the stuff available to you, but that nobody’s asking you to do.
Over his career, Jason came to realize that Opportunity Set B is always more important. If you only focus on what’s asked of you, you’ll only be qualified to do the thing you’re already doing. But when you learn new things, pursue new opportunities, and constantly seek out change, you will set yourself up for an unpredictable but extraordinary journey.
Jason’s went like this: He started as a community newspaper reporter, but quit, then sat in his dingy bedroom next to a cemetery in rural Massachusetts, and started freelance writing. Then he took a job at a slightly larger newspaper, kept freelancing, and then eventually quit, moved to Boston, and insisted that Boston magazine hire him. (He’d been freelancing for them, but he wanted a full-time editor job. It worked.) Then he moved to New York and started hopscotching around magazines (Men’s Health, Fast Company, Maxim) while constantly seeking out Opportunity Set B (going on TV, speaking on stage, teaching himself to podcast, writing a romantic comedy novel, starting a media production company, and more). Was he good at these new things? He was not! He was terrible at first. But as Ryan Reynolds once told Jason, “You can’t be good at something unless you’re willing to be bad.”
It is true. We all learn.
Because of Opportunity Set B, Jason now occupies a unique space. Through his work at Entrepreneur, he has access to the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, and is often speaking with the most influential culture-makers. Meanwhile, through his podcast Build For Tomorrow, Jason investigates the history of innovation and the forces that shaped our lives. In short, he finds patterns of success. And that pattern is clear: Change creates opportunity.
What Jason’s Doing
Where you can find ideas, inspiration, and the occasional absurdity.
Don’t Look Back!
Is nostalgia a helpful comfort, or does it hold us back? My investigation through history will change how you think.
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Success Tips from The Rock!
My profile of Dwayne Johnson and his business partner Dany Garcia will help you think bigger.
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Tell Your Story Better!
My short video about the most common mistake people make when telling their story.
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Quotes to Inspire You!
I fill notebooks with stuff that’ll make you say, “I needed to hear that today.” Find it on my Instagram!
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Jason Inspires Audiences to Make Change
With his high-energy, funny, and insightful talks, Jason helps people shift their mindsets and embrace new things. His message is exciting: “You come from the future!”
Companies love him because he helps their teams evolve. Entrepreneurs love him because he inspires new boldness. You’ll love him too!
Get him on stage and he’s like a raging animal. His energy and passion comes through.
Virtual Consulting
Want advice? Need to bounce an idea around? Jason loves to help directly, and is available for one-on-one virtual consulting sessions. People often book him to talk about storytelling, PR strategies, personal branding, or just to get his perspective on their business or personal goals.
Become Adaptable!
In this one-hour audio course, you'll learn how to think differently about yourself—and your future.
How to future-proof your career and life!
Download this free audio training and master the skills to confidently navigate change and build a more resilient tomorrow.